Sava Čvek

World Business Forum
Global Marketing, Global Sales and Global Product Development
In the early eighties, when the Global Economy started evolving, it became evident that a new approach to product development was necessary. The new Business Development had created fundamental change in traditional Product Development, Engineering and Product Manufacturing and a new form of industrial production emerged, creating a very dynamic new Industrial Age.
Sava Čvek has a profound interest in understanding product development in the world of open markets, global marketing and sales. The proper understanding of new principals can provide a company with great success and business growth or lost opportunities and lost investments.
Through participation in the World Business Forum Sava Čvek has continued with the development of his ODMM - Original Design Manufacturing Management Business Model. Over the last twenty years of his professional Consulting Practice Sava Čvek is using this model for a continuous success of his clients in United States, Europe and the Far East.
ODMM – Original Design Manufacturing Management
Business Management Model
Duplicating a part of a product or a making a simple component for a lower cost is a basic form of sourcing. It involves a basic level of effort, a very simple form of responsibilities and a relationship with a source producing a product.
In contrast, if you engage in making a more complex product that will involve multiple producers, it will require more complex production planning. Such a relationship will involve number of factors that must be governed in both short and long term bases. This production and industrial relationship will develop number of complexities that will need careful organization to create and to provide expected results.
To be successful, Industrial Development is governed by factors that are founded on a long term planning. Industrial Development is a long term activity and to bring desired goals and results requires implementation of a long term decisions and organizational skills. Otherwise, it will not bring expected results if approached on a short term bases.
Products that combine and require high level of manufacturing equipment, technology know how, engineering, green environment, high quality standards, continuous innovation, marketing consideration, careful pricing and competitiveness are all part of a long term Industrial Development, long term investments, alliance partnerships, careful planning and a long term sustainable strategy.
Original Design Manufacturing Management or ODMM is a Business and Management Model created to help you understand this complexity and to successfully manage multi level sourcing and demanding industrial production in order to achieve successful outcome and profitability.
To successfully accomplish and manage production through a sourcing relationship ODMM Business Model helps to create a road map and helps the company to understand numerous elements that start with a few simple points and later become a very complex and multi independent set of conditions and if not understood and properly governed from the beginning it will create a position of disadvantage, lost opportunities and a lack of profitability.
The very goal and what ODMM Business Management Model wants to achieve is to put you in the most adventitious position in the long chain of development complexity this kind of industrial activity will bring about. ODMM Business Management Model can protect your company investment in development of alliance partnership activities of product development in a modern Industrial Age of Innovation Base Economy.
Sava Čvek has created and implemented the ODMM Business Management Model for over twenty years in creating new products through alliance partnership and industrial development assuring such engagement are providing and creating successful, growing and long term profitable relationship for his clients.